Monday, November 1, 2010

The Celtics Come First

     As she slipped under the warm, cozy covers of her brand new queen sized bed she let out a massive sigh. "You have got to be kidding me, why are you still reading that paper?"
     He just glared at her, then went right back to reading the fine black and white print.
     "Can you just for one night put the paper away and talk to me? I'm sick of feeling like I'm talking to myself," she remarked.
     "If you were an understanding wife you would know that this is just part of my daily routine and you need to come to accept that."
     She rolled her eyes and replied, "This is so typical of you, never understanding my feelings!"
     "I try my best," he stated, "but sometimes you need to make some sacrifices."
     Her voice reached a high pitch yell, "I am always making sacrifices! My whole life has been sacrifices and you will never understand that."
     He flipped to the sports page and ignored her comment. "Oh the Celtics won last night!"
     "You have got to be kidding me! I will always come second to something else. Why am I still with you?"
     He decided that it was better for him to not provoke her by responding to the question. As she rolled over onto her side and placed her head against the firm pillow he slowly placed the newspaper down on his bedside table and rolled so that he was facing her. She drifted into sleep in his arms and as she did he whispered, "I love you."

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