Friday, September 10, 2010

To Fly, or Not to Fly. That is the Question.

The power of flight, it's what every superhero would be jealous of. Only the lucky ones are chosen. And I am one of them. I can blast through the hallways of Princess Margaret High School at record speed, never late for class. Except maybe Mr. Van Camp's English twelve class, which is not very important. I would never want another power. I mean, who wouldn't want to be able to go wherever they want, all the time. I have recently spent much of my free time traveling. The looks I get from the everyday citizen when I fly over the most iconic landmarks is priceless. My latest trip was to Paris, where i flew to the very top of the Eiffel Tower. The next time I visit it though I will have to remember to bring my ski jacket, seeing as the bitter wind gusts at the tip of this monumental structure. This superb superpower also saves me money on admittance fees, as well as time wasted waiting in lineups. I spend the majority of the time I have working on my tan aswell. Beaches in Tahiti, Jamaica, and the Bahamas seem to work well for my complexion. Since I have aquired this trait I have become a very environmentally friendly person. There is no need for me to ever ride in a car again. Which saves me money on gas. I have also been investing my time on working on my upper body strength. I spend much of my spare time in the weight room so I can transport others around with me. Mr. Buckley is very proud. It is not an easy life though. I have some high expectations from the world around me. I mean come on, they expect me to save every person who jumps off of a building or a cliff. Who would have time for that? I do what I can. I do what is expected of me. Because after all, that is what is expected of a super hero.

1 comment:

  1. Good effort, Marissa. Lots of detail. Mechanics are strong, just needs a bit of proofreading. Continue to focus on diction and creative imagery. Consider including more similes and metaphors.
